Wrestling News and Such and So On


Who likes wrestling news? You do? Great! You should probably head to another website because.... wait! Don't go! We're lonely! Stick around and read some shameful wrestling news with us!

Apparently WWE wants to make SummerSlam "this year's WrestleMania," which is odd because I really thought we had a WrestleMania this year and it went two nights and... anyway, WWE wants this to be big. The rumour is that Romain Reigns will face John Cena.

Speaking of big deals and returning stars, WWE reportedly wants the Rock at Survivor Series, which may be in Brooklyn, New York. Remember that the Rock had his first WWF/E match at Survivor Series in New York, back in 1996 which was 25 years ago and oh dear God 1996 was 25 years ago why oh why time is so cruel and...

Anyway, Kenny Omega vs Moose for the Impact World Title will happen at Against All Odds... and it will happen at Daily's Place, AEW's home arena.

-1, the son of the late Brodie Lee, is only allowed to appear on AEW programming when he's getting good grades. That's a pretty fun reward for a kid and it's heartwarming how AEW is trying to bring him some happiness.

Okay, that's it for today!!!

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